Have you ever prayed for something so long and when you finally get it the devil tries to steal the joy of having it right from you? I’ve prayed for almost eight years for a permanent job, and it finally came to pass. I had dreams and visions of it happening years ago and I was just about to throw in the towel and quit applying for positions when I finally got the call.
Now, most people would be excited beyond belief and don’t get me wrong I am so thankful, it’s crazy. But a few days after I was spreading the good news, I started to feel a change. A change in me. I started feeling a little sickly, allergies or something I’ve never had before. I had symptoms of stomach issues and that took the joy right from me.
The bible says the enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy. Could be to steal your joy, your happiness, and your peace. He may try to kill your hopes and your dreams or be aimed at destroying you and your relationship with God, and if you let him, he will. I know because as I type, he’s working on me, in hopes that I won’t get the message of this article out. Just as I was determined to go to work on my start day, I’m just as determined to remind us not to give up or lose hope. Instead, we’ve got to keep the faith.
We all have bad days and unfortunately, they do come back-to-back and stay awhile, for what reason I can’t explain. What I can say about it is, we can never quit. In our minds sometimes it’s just easier to give up and let it do whatever it wants, but that’s not how we are supposed to think. Push forward, dig deeper and deeper as much as you can, and prayerfully it will turn you loose. Don’t give the devil room to come and go at will—in your life. May God continue to bless you, your brother in Christ…TMK.