† Let Your Voice Be Heard

Have you ever faced a situation where you really didn’t know how it would turn out, or what to do to help it work itself out?  You’re really not sure why this issue has shown up, and not quite sure how long it will hang around.  So, you set yourself to allow it to resolve on its own.  Sometimes this is a good strategy and other times it isn’t.  Being able to determine which is what may be the most challenging part of it all.

The Bible says, ask and it shall be given to you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.  Jesus confirms for us that when there is a need, it’s a good idea to ask for help and to seek assistance in whatever situation you’re facing.  He goes on to say, “For everyone who asks—receives and he that seeks—finds.  To him that knocks—it shall be opened unto him.

 “Think on This” for a minute—if you will.  How many times have we gone through life just waiting for things to happen or waiting for things to drop in our laps?  I truly wish it were that easy.  But life has taught me that there are somethings, we need to reach out for help if we want the get the issue fixed.  There are somethings that we will face that can only be resolved by a Higher Power.

I encourage you today to seek the Lord out for help.  What do you really have to lose?  Whatever you need, whatever you’re looking for and longing for, why not go to The Lord and ask for it?  You can’t continue to sit around mad or disappointed when things don’t turn out exactly the way you desire—if you didn’t ask.

I know that there is something you need God to do for you.  Why not give Him a shot—and “Let Your Voice Be Heard and ask for it?” Don’t dwell on your situation or let it hang around too long worrying you. Go to the Lord God in prayer and ask for His help!  “Let your Voice Be Heard”.  You might be surprised that He will listen to you and supernaturally intervene.  (Read Matthew 7:7-8)

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