Do you daydream a lot or even let your mind drift away at times? I mean, your physical body is in one part of the world, but your mind is in another place altogether. If that be the case, I want to share something with you. Our human minds can carry, obtain, and store all kinds of information, similar to that of the memory or hard drive of a computer. If the computer is functioning properly, it will retain whatever information that’s fed into it. It can keep the data it was introduced to years ago, as if they were happening in real time. See, mankind built the computer to be able to do just that.
The human mind is similar; however, information is uploaded to it several different ways. The mind gathers information from what the eyes see, from what the ears hear, and from what the heart may feel about a certain episode or event. Oftentimes it’s hard to cut it off. Unlike a computer, there is no power button to press to shut down the mind in order to guard the heart. And because of this, we have to constantly monitor what we’re thinking about.
Think on this for a minute—if you will. The Bible says that as a man thinks in his heart—so is he. In other words what you allow in your mind—eventually gets into your heart and you began to believe what your mind says about it, verses what is really true.
I had spent many years of my adult life thinking the wrong things about everything. I developed a negative outlook on everything. If something happened—give me a minute and I could give you the negative side of the situation. I really didn’t pay that much attention to how I had trained my mind to think. It wasn’t until I started trying to live my life—as the scriptures outlined. It was then when I realized I had been thinking the wrong things.
I have learned much since then and I encourage you to “Think About What You’re Thinking About”. Keep your mind off of negative things and exchange those thoughts into positive ones. Purpose in your heart, on a daily basis, to free yourself from the negative things you’ve seen, you’ve heard, and what you might be feeling because of them and don’t let those kinds of thoughts get lodged in your heart. You owe it to yourself to simply “Think About What You’re Thinking About”.