Anyone who really knows me will tell you I love a clean car and if the tires aren’t black and shiny the car to me isn’t clean. Now, knowing that about me, if you see me in the store or out and about the first thing, you’ll look at is my car. Why? To see if it’s clean or to determine if I was just saying that. You had to see it to believe it. Years ago, if I was told about a new place to party or a new drink to try, I was on it—the first chance I got. Why? Because I had to see it or try it, to believe it, and if it was good, I would spread the word to anyone who would listen.
Now, if I told you there was a way to live your life where you might still have pain, that you might still have problems, but they came with an excellent healer and a great problem solver—would you believe it? What if I told you that there is a place to go to (church), meet new people, have a good time, still be you, but a better version of you, and over time you were actually changing your life. Would you just believe me, or would you have to see it to believe it?
To be honest, I grew up in church and heard about God and all the wonderful things He has done, can do, and will do, but it wasn’t until I got serious and wanted to see it for myself. Yes, I was “told” a lot of things before I made the decision to give my life over to God. Most of what I heard was good, but a lot of it I didn’t necessarily believe until I saw it for myself. I’ve been sick and been healed when no one could even tell me what was wrong. I’ve had problems arise and just when I thought it couldn’t be fixed, a solution surfaced, and it was fixed. Even though I’m saved now, I still sometimes find myself wanting to see it to believe it.
I ask you today to hear what I’m saying and give it the attention it deserves. It will truly help you in the long run. Everything you’ve heard about, and may have tried already, I ask you to now try God and His Son Jesus. If you want a change, they are truly the only ones who can change your life. The Christian life isn’t an easy life, but it’s a life that will forever change you for the better, if you allow it to.
Like the Samaritan woman at the well, after her conversation with Christ she told everyone, she saw about Him, but it wasn’t until they heard Him speak for themselves, that they believed. (John 4:42). Don’t take my word for it, You Gotta See it to Believe it. May God continue to bless you—your brother in Christ…TMK.