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My brothers, have you ever said or heard someone say while deciding on something—that they were “On the fence”? Meaning, that they didn’t know which choice to make. Be it the color, size or the price of whatever they wanted to buy. Well, this discussion isn’t based on a purchase, it’s based on a choice. A choice to serve God fully, serve Him halfway, or not at all.
A fence has several purposes, but one purpose of a fence is to separate two things i.e. (my house from your house). If you were to sit on a fence, the average person would have one leg on either side. Is this the way you live life—
straddling the fence? Are you struggling to get on the right side of that fence?
Are you living one way during the week and another way on Sundays? Do you act like one person at home where others can’t see you, while being another person when people may be watching? Do you cross the imaginary fence, back and forth, when the opportunity presents itself? Do you wanna hang with the fellows Monday thru Saturday, then hang with the Deacons on Sunday? Are you cussing in the streets, telling people off, then praying for folks at the altar on Sunday, thinking everything done prior to that can’t be seen? But it is seen and heard. (1 Peter 3:12)
Before I made the choice, on one hand I wanted to be saved and have the favor of God on your life, and on the other hand, I wanted to do what I wanted to gain the favor of the world. We all want the blessings of God to flow through our life, but it takes more than lip service and a degree in acting. It takes hard work and a relationship with the Lord. If you want your cake and eat it too, like most of the world, my friend, I am sorry to report, it doesn’t work that way.
God wants the real you, all of you—all the time. Family and friends must come second. I believe God wants us all day, every day; not just on Sundays in church or when we are having a hard time getting through life. And then in times when everything in our life is just peachy, we don’t want Him. Joshua 24:15 says, “choose you this day whom you will serve”. In other words, you don’t have to straddle the fence, just make the choice. Choose GOD and the path He has chosen for your life and don’t ride the fence! I know you can do it; for I did, once I decided to make the choice. (Your Brother in Christ ~ TMK)
*Message Date: June 2021
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