† Go Get your Stuff

Have you ever taken inventory of the things you used to have that now seem to be missing in your life?  Some things may be more obvious than others, but yet they’re still gone.  If you notice this to be a fact—what do you do about it?

When David and his men returned from battle, they saw that some enemy had come in and taken their things, their loved ones, and to make matters worse, they had also burned their camp.  Fear and dread gripped their souls, and these men of valor cried until they could cry no more.  The men that were returning from battle with him blamed David for their newfound calamity and thought to stone him.

David wiped his tears, made a decision to not allow his emotions to continue to burden him, and determined it was time to encourage himself and he knew just where to go.  David remembered the One who had always been there for him in times of trouble, and he sought The Lord, his God for direction.  He wanted to know what to do next and how to fix his current situation.  David wanted what belonged to them returned and he was willing to go to battle again to retrieve it.  The Lord instructed David to “Go Get his Stuff”, paraphrasing.  Dry your eyes and Go Get your Stuff!

The enemy had used some folks to steal from them when they weren’t looking.  What an awesome time to throw up your hands and rehearse your pain, over and over again.  See, when life happens and the tears no longer help, it’s time to dry your eyes and “Go Get your Stuff!”

The enemy plans assaults all the time on God’s people and most, reluctantly, won’t even admit it—let alone fight against it.  They just sit there and take it while crying about it every day.  He uses things and people to drain us of our hope, our peace, and our happiness.  However, in God’s economy, situations show up to seek-out our faith in His ability to work this one out for our good, as He has done in the past.  What we have to do is continue to believe that God’s plan is better for us and fight to get what we lost back.  Are you willing?  Then Come Hell or High Water—dry your eyes and “Go Get your Stuff!” (Read 1 Samuel 30:18-19 KJV)

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