† Stay in the Waiting Room

I’m not sure if you’re like me or not, but I’m not a fan of waiting.  I like to get what I need done finished and move to my next task—as quickly as possible.  To keep myself from having to wait too long in any situation, I find myself planning my days and my time to the last second.  Needless to say, I stay frustrated more times than not, because the people I’m waiting on don’t share my same concerns.

If you say you’re going to be there at a certain time, I truly expect you to show-up on time or even earlier so I’m not waiting on you.  If I have a doctor’s appointment at a certain day and time, I really expect to be called back into their office on time or a few minutes early.  Now this concept doesn’t just work for me—it works for the person who has to wait on me too.  When I tell you, I will be there at a certain time—more times than not, I’m early.

When I gave my life to the Lord and decided to serve Him the best I could, I struggled a lot, because God did not move on my timeline.  No, He’s God and will do things as they need to be done and oftentimes, I found myself waiting for Him to move on my behalf.

I have learned that it takes supernatural power for me to wait in some situations.  I admit to you it takes strength to wait, and sometimes, depending on the circumstances, I find myself fighting really hard to stop trying to fix my issue myself—and just wait for Him to work it out for me.  After all He lives in eternity, but I don’t.  Sometimes we will have to fight against our own desires to move-out ahead of God’s timing, His plan or even His purposes.

The Palmist encourages us to wait on the Lord, to be of good courage, and He shall strengthen our hearts.  There are times when God will require us to wait and allow Him to move on our behalf.  Waiting on God promises us that when He does show up to work our situations out—it’s completely done! Waiting on Him guarantees the best possible end result. Come Hell or High Water—fight through whatever’s trying to discourage you from waiting on the Lord—and Stay in the Waiting Room.  If we wait for God to do it, it will be finished, it will be total, it will be fulfilled, and it will be made whole.

We must fight hard to stay where we are and wait.  Your blessing is in your ability to wait on God.  He will move your enemies, He will open closed doors, He will restrict disease and famine from your life, and He will multiply what you have—bringing with Him what you need. “Come Hell or High Water” fight—Stay in the Waiting Room. (Read Psalm 27:13-14 KJV).

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