† This is Not the Time

It’s very easy to lose focus on achieving a goal or even finishing the very end of something you’ve started. Life is good about sending us several opportunities to keep us from reaching our desired goals.  No matter what happens, you can reach your goal if you don’t lose sight of it.

Years ago, while in high school, I decided I would do something I had never done before.  In my opinion, I didn’t have what it took anyway.  When the list came out, I decided since this was my last year in high school I would try out for the cheerleader squad.  I was goofy, wore glasses, but very athletic, a tomboy at heart.  I never saw myself standing in front of people jumping up and down, shaking God knows what during some game I knew nothing about.

Needless to say, I was worse at it than I originally thought I would be.  It took me forever to learn one cheer, and I was always one beat off from everyone else.  After weeks of practicing, to spare my feelings, I decided to quit—before I was cut.  Later the coach came to me and asked me why I had quit.  I told her I thought I would get cut, so I spared her the time.  She said—”No, you would have made the team because you have such a beautiful smile. It takes some people longer to catch on, but they eventually do”.  So, I walked away feeling sad because I didn’t stay on the course.  Instead, I gave up prematurely.

“Think on This” for a minute—if you will.  When it comes to doing things for others or laboring to make their day a better day, it can become tiresome very quickly.  Your good deeds are needed by so many people.  You may think that you’re not making a difference, but what if you are?  What if you stopped, how many people’s lives would be affected in a negative way?  The Bible tells us to be steadfast and unmovable always abounding in the work of The Lord—for as much as we know, our labor is not in vain. Doing good for others is defiantly His work.

“Now is Not the Time” to doubt, to give up, or to quit anything that you’ve put in your heart to accomplish.  Hold on, knowing your labor is not in vain.  Your efforts and your work will pay off after a while.  You’ve got to keep holding on—keeping your eyes on your goal.  Hold on trusting that God will see you through, and He will be there to strengthen you to finish your goal.   God can and will work it out for you.  Yes, even you.  “Now is Not the Time”.  Hold on and keep reaching for your goal. (Read 1 Corinthians 15:58)

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