† What are You Waiting For?

When things aren’t going according to plan or the way you would have them go, what do you do? Who do you talk to? Where do you go for peace? Do you stay in your feelings while trying to figure it out? Do you go silent and get mad at the whole world, while hoping that that will fix it?  Well, it won’t. Instead of asking friends and family for advice, ask the only person that can truly help, God.

Have you been taught any of these false statements? A man fixes his own problems, and he doesn’t count on others to do it for him”. Real men keep their problems to themselves.  All of this is a bunch of macho junk.  Real men ask for help, real men pray, and real men seek help when needed. “Get up and do something about it instead of feeling sorry for yourself, because problems won’t just fix themselves”.  I invite you to put God in your problems.  Don’t sit and stew in them, it only gets worse.  There is a verse in the bible (Psalm 46:1) that states “God is our refuge a very present help in times of trouble”. Refuge is a safe place, a shelter from whatever it is that’s troubling you.

Like everyone in this world, I have my problems too, so I speak from experience. I have done and said all those things. Don’t do what I did. Do the opposite. When you’re feeling afraid, lonely, in despair and just mad at the world, go to God in humility and pray, asking for the help you so desperately want and need.  So, what, you haven’t prayed in a long time.  So, what if you’ve done bad things in your life. We all have. You may even say, I don’t know how to pray.  Simply acknowledge God by calling His name and tell Him the things that are troubling you. The more you do it—the easier it becomes. God will not judge you when you go to Him and ask for help. God is not like people that will say “you’re in trouble—so now you come to me”. Instead, He says cast all your cares on me because I care for you. (1Peter 5:7).

My brothers don’t drown in your own troubles and problems because of bad advice or pride. Call on the name above all names. What are you waiting for—have a little talk with Him. He’s ready, willing, and able. May God continue to bless and keep you,  your brother in Christ……TMK.

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