
Scrap Metal

Wars, conflicts, and battles have always had a lasting effect on those who were fighting for their lives.  War has never been pretty, and lives are often lost without time

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No More Counterfeit

When people hear the word counterfeit they often think of currency.  I’ve never experienced firsthand the effects of owning that type of money, but I can imagine how upsetting it

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The Earth is His

The earth is the Lord’s and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein. (Psalm 24:1) What an awesome thing to remember when chaos is all around. Sometimes

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Extra Weight

Brothers, I think we can agree that life has had its share of difficulties for all of us. Sometimes it’s just hard, and other times its harder than we care

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Follow Me

Fellows, have you ever played the electronic game called Simon?  It’s a game that has four colors and a tone to match each specific color.  The game starts off with

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You Are Not Alone

Michael Jackson sang a song years ago titled: “You are Not Alone.” Basically, he was saying no matter where you are, or what you’re going through, I’ll be there to

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Sink or Swim

Life’s situations can come at us so hard and can attempt to overpower us.  But we have to make a decision to use the stuff we have deep inside of

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Step Off

In this day and age, people will spend hours at the gym working on keeping their bodies in shape, and getting the proper exercise.  They eat healthier foods and increase

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All in the Family

This day and age, I don’t know about you, but sometimes I find it hard to feel like I fit in with others. Society has drawn a line, and we

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